Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Truth is a WHUUTT!!

From today's CA story about the new Itta Bena restaurant on Beale:

"We've always wanted to have a quality experience where locals could come, either to enjoy themselves or bring out-of-town visitors to Beale without being in a honky-tonk," said Tommy Peters, majority investor in the three B.B. King clubs around the country, including one opening this fall in Orlando.

There are Honky Tonks on Beale Street?! That is so cool!! I thought it was all hippity hop and booty shakin' clubs! But there are Honky Tonks! Country Music is alive and well on Beale Street!

Maybe I should round up the gang and go down there this weekend. As long as no one tries to bring a chai past the security guard it could be a swingin' time!

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