Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Truth is Unreasonable

Last night I watched most of the documentary, Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man. There are some people out there that are still really mad at him. A guy in the movie blamed Nader for the war in Iraq. Because he took votes from Al Gore in Florida. If Nader had not been on the ballot in Florida, Gore would have likely won that state and the presidency. But if Pat Buchanan had not been on the ballot in Florida, George Bush might have won by a wider margin.

None of it would have mattered if Gore had won his home state of Tennessee.

This morning I did a little research on the presidential elections of the last 50 years, and here's what I found out:

Since 1952 three presidential candidates have failed to carry their home state:

Adlai Stevenson (D-Illinois) 1952 and 1956
George McGovern (D-South Dakota) 1972
Al Gore (D-Tennessee) 2000

Barry Goldwater, Jimmy Carter in 1980, and Walter Mondale all got it handed to them in the general election, but they won their home states.

No winning candidate, going back to 1948, has lost the state they claimed as their own.

Bill Clinton won Arkansas and Tennesse in 1992 and 1996. But when Al Gore took his turn he couldn't win either of them.

A professor and a journalist who were featured in the movie rejected the "home state" argument and placed the blame squarely on Nader. But I have a hard time discounting it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Welcome Back to the Maximum Leader

It's been over a month since I've made a post here. So it's high time I catch up on a few things.

CONFIDENTIAL pre-release show was a huge success. there was a great crowd. Thank you to every one who came out. If you weren't able to come, and you'd like a copy of the special edition CD drop me a comment and I'll let you know how to get one.

Nashville is still boring, but not as boring as it was. I've got my Nashville weekend behind me for the month anyway. This weekend I'll be in Detroit with the Anthropologist. We're going to see Tiger Army (And that doesn't have anything to do with the Detroit Tigers. It's a post-hardcore psychobilly band from California, and I am real excited about the show.) And we're going to the River Rouge Ford plant where Walter Reuther got beat down by thugs from the "Service Department."

Speaking of Walter Reuther, I've been working on a piece about the United Auto Workers. Look for that to be up on the Leader sometime soon.

I've done a little volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign. I used to be fired up for Obama, now I'm not so sure. But I still think he's the best choice among the front runners.

No Logo by Naomi Klein. This book is a real eye opener when it comes to understanding how multi-national corporations do business. I'm not sure that I go along with all of her conclusions and I sure don't think that "ad-jamming" is going to make a hell of a lot of difference to our increasingly branded world. But it is an important book all the same. Look for a post on No Logo, coming soon to the Leader.

How did South Florida get invited to the Big East instead of Memphis? And would Memphis be a top 10 football team now if they had?