Friday, July 27, 2007

Back to the Tap

I've seen a lot of things change in my 35 years on this earth. I've seen music go from LPs to CDs (never mind cassettes which I always thought were rather disposable and might come apart in your player) to digital down loads and now, increasingly, back to vinyl.

I can't recall the exact year, but I remember when bottled water started showing up in stores. And I remember that a lot of folks thought it was pretty silly to pay 75 cents for a plastic bottle of water at the convenience store. Water came out of the tap for free! or next to free. No, if were spending our money we wanted something for it. We wanted a Coke! But eventually a lot of us started to think of water as a healthy alternative to Coke and sometimes a person just needs a drink of water.

So we bought a cold water at the gas station, at sporting events and concerts. This was a good development. Who wants to get up from the game every five minutes to get a drink from a water fountain? And water fountains sometimes aren't the cleanest places. Bottled water was a hit.

But then something happened. We liked the bottled water so much that we started buying for our houses, and they started serving it in restaurants. And now there is too much bottled water. And, according to folks who study this type of thing, the water bottles are piling up in our land fills, and their petroleum based materials are driving up the price of oil.

So, what do these folks want us to do? Drink tap water. Yep, just like we used to do it back in the old days. And I don't guess that's a bad idea. Water tastes better with ice in a glass. And nothing beats music coming through a needle.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lee Surrendered. The Maximum Leader didn't!

Last weekend was a hell of a lot of fun. Me and Rob K B went all the way to Richmond, VA, for a CONFIDENTIAL pre-show. And it went really well. The folks in Richmond are good to play for. It was a really long ride home, but we got to see Appomattox Courthouse. It kinda made me hate the Yankees a little bit, but it was great to see such an important place in the history of our country that I would not have seen otherwise. While we were there I saw a dad and his kid come out of the gift shop wearing new civil war soldier caps. They must have been foreigners because they had bought BLUE caps! They got the wrong color!! I don't know, they could have been Yankees. When I was a kid I wouldn't have been caught dead wearing anything other than gray. I knew which side I was on damn it!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Truth is a Lie is Boring!

What has The Maximum Leader come to? Where's the action?

Truthfully, there hasn't been a lot lately. As Evil pointed out, I have been blogging about golf, yoga, and Becker (which is an under-rated sitcom.) And what's worse, it was a nostalgia piece about Becker! I don't even have cable up here!

Maybe it's time for a shake up.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Truth is a Lie #4

Yesterday I tried in vain to set up a blogger mobile account so I could send text and images from the Blueberry to The Maximum Leader. I wanted to post a pic of a radio station van with a large picture of Steve Harvey on it. But the mobile blog and the mail to address feature are either not working or I'm not doing it right. Damn. That was a cool Steve Harvey van.

The Steve Harvey Show was one of a number of "bad" sitcoms that I used to be into when I had cable. I would happen upon a syndicated sitcom that I missed when it was on the first time (I have no idea when the Steve Harvey Show was on originally) and, with the exception of the SHS, usually get pulled in by the presence of some cute girl or girls. Next thing I knew I was hooked. I was into Two Guys and a Girl, Ned and Stacy, and my all time Fave: Becker.

Becker gets run down a lot. People make fun of it. Some folks just plain hate it. And wonder how Ted Dansen could go from a great show like Cheers to Becker. Maybe I'm strange, but I like Becker a lot more than Cheers. I like Reggie (the original Reggie, the tall one,) and the office assistant chick is real hot. The other characters are good too. The blind guy is funny. So is the cab driver.

And Becker is funny. But you have to get into the rhythm of the show. And being on a six month vaction is really the best way to do that.

I don't have cable anymore, much less a DVR. And I go to work everyday, so I don't get to watch Becker for an hour like I used to when I got up at 10 or 11 every day. But maybe some day I'll have the chance again. And I can catch up on some shows I'm missing now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You're Kind of a NASCAR Snob

ESPN is reporting that Budweiser is in negotiations to sponsor Kasey Kahne and his red number 9 Dodge next year.

What does this mean for my beer drinking habits? I enjoy the King of Beers every now and again, but Coors Light is my number 1. (I have given up attempts to find a sub-premium brand that I like.) If my favorite driver is wheeling the Bud car I might have to drink the Fatweiser more often. (And increase my treadmill time.)

Budweiser used to have a policy that they did not use anyone under 30 to promote their products (at least in their commercials), but I guess that doesn't apply to race car drivers or maybe they've changed their minds.

It's been reported that Dale Jr. might be sponsored by Mountain Dew. Kasey used to have a Mountain Dew deal, and he'd have to drink one in the post race interviews. Sometimes he'd make a face like he really didn't like the Dew, but he had to get in his "chug points." He'll probably like an ice cold Bud a lot better.

All Star Game

I understand that Larussa needed to hold someone back in case the game went into extra innings. BUT how the hell can you not send Pujols up to bat with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th!! There were two outs and the NL was down by one run. If Pujols gets a hit the NL wins and there's no extra innings to worry about. Larussa blew that one big time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Truth is a Lie G.C.

My golf game is really coming around. Don't know where that came from. Back in my pre-rock and roll days I played golf a lot and I always sucked. Just ask that dude who was mowing his lawn next to the Cordova Club. But these days I'm not playing bad at all. Must be the yoga.

I have a couple of friends back home who are really against golf. With one of them I suspect it's some kind of political/class thing. He has obiviously never played at the Shelby Golf Course in East Nashville where, like a lot of other places on the East Side, sleeves are optional. (Seriously, is it just here, or are men every where rocking sleeveless shirts this summer? I've been out sleeveless a couple of times myself---not to the golf course tho---and the first time I was a little self concious about it but the last time I didn't care at all. Of course it is hot as hell. That might be part of it.) And the fee for 18 holes with a cart came in at just under 19 bucks! Put a few CLs in the bag and that is a fun and affordable way to spend an afternoon.