Monday, December 10, 2007

The Leader is Back!

The last Maximum Leader comeback didn't last too long. I got into one movie review and nearly lost my reader. I made up several posts that I deleted. And next thing you know a couple of months have gone by.

But The Leader is back once again. Lots of things have been happening here and at home and I'm going to try to catch you up on some of them. There's been a lot of music, and I'll tell you about that. And there's been a lot of running around, and I'll tell you a little about that. And I will tell you about the straight up coolest, strangest thing that has EVER happened to me. That's right , ever. If The Maximum Leader beleives in God this will be why.

Lots of things to write about. Lots of stories to tell.

Welcome back to The Maximum Leader!!

1 comment:

Evil said...

Well... We're waiting.